How To Use A Convection Microwave | Oven Series | Cakes And More | Baking For Beginners Urdu

How To Use A Convection Microwave | Oven Series | Cakes And More | Baking For Beginners Urdu

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AyrizTv Presents the second video for the viewers to clear the concepts of Microwave Oven and functionality regarding Convection and Preheating , All baking Cooking and Grilling at beginners level can be done easily, this is theory and you can read all details in the description below.
Food cooked in the convection microwave can be cooked quickly, as in an ordinary microwave oven, yet come out browned or crisped as in a convection oven. Although some microwaves contain electric browning baking elements, a true convection microwave has a high velocity forced-air fan to circulate the hot air uniformly.

However, most cakes cannot be baked in a microwave oven โ€“ only those without an open grain structure, such as brownies.

Convection microwave ovens were initially considered to be high-end kitchen appliances. Over time their price has dropped, and they can be bought for around the same price as a conventional oven. However, some models do require more space than a standard microwave, because of the larger cooking area inside.

The short and sweet answer is that convection microwaves offer the quick cooking features of a microwave with the browning, crisping, and full "cook-through" of a traditional oven. Instead of just heating the inside of the food (as regular microwaves do), a convection microwave also browns and cooks the outside of your food. Scientifically speaking, regular microwaves emit waves that bounce around until they come in contact with food, causing water molecules to excite and generate heat, which then cooks the food.

In contrast, convection oven technology uses a fan to force air movement and heat up the full interior of the microwave to cook food from the inside out. That's why you can use convection microwaves to bake and roast things that would otherwise be cooked too quickly

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