a SUPER Silly and all over the place kind of COOKING SHOW

a SUPER Silly and all over the place kind of COOKING SHOW

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This video is short so it can be all the funny parts smooshed together. I think it's pretty funny so I hope it's enjoyable for you to watch! Meg and Lis *attempt* to make pizza. I am such an inexperienced cook so I brought along my friend Meghan to teach me the ways of a chef.

Meghan's for sure working hard, and, well, I'm hardly working by comparison. I try I try but I maybe sometimes create more work for her haha. Anyways, we had tons of fun cooking together and we'll for sure do it again! Also I asked Meghan and she also had fun so phew good news!

Also I know we can barely consider this cooking because the dough is pre-made so perhaps it would be more accurate to call this 'pizza decorating'.

STAY TUNED for the second half of this video when we actually make Mochi (that incredible Japanese Ice Cream Dessert) from SCRATCH. And whaaaaaaaat it actually turned out delicious, honestly talking about it right now makes me want to go make more.

SUBSCRIBE for more fun videos with my friends & family & sometimes just me :)ย https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ1Zjzi9ERuqYP1C3yV0nqg

aaaaaaaaaaand comment to answer the age old question - does pineapple belong on pizza?

See you guys next time! Joy & socially distanced hugs,

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